Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing #21 - Podcasts

I used Photostory to make my movie. There were certain features I didn't like, such as the fact that every single title had to be formatted. I couldn't just copy and paste a formatted title onto another slide and then change the text. That was cumbersome. I also couldn't coordinate my sound settings with the settings the program kept using, so I was not able to get any sound or music on mine. I will work more on that when I don't have 24 hours to finish my 23 Things! :-)

Well, I tried to upload my movie to Switchpod, but it's the wrong format. I imported my video into Movie Maker successfully as individual slides, but was going to have to completely remake my movie! This is frustrating!


d said...

I had trouble getting my photostory music added, then I couln't narrate so I just saved it without sound.

VWB said...

Photostory uploads directly into don't need switchpod (it is for audacity audio only.)

Your story must be saved as .wmv not the default project save wp3.

There is a image of the save screen in the #21 Thing that should help you.
Also go here

you can click to make images bigger.

there are issues with the internal mic settings on the have to go in and turn on!

as for their music..haven't heard of any problems.

let's talk after school starts...also you have the photostory queen on your campus!